How many bedding sets for your bedroom?
The vast majority of us always buy more than we really need. This is true in everyday life, when shopping, at sales time when you don't want to miss the bargain and this results in waste or unnecessary accumulation at home.
Just look at your cupboards to become aware of it, you will certainly find there clothes that you have not worn for several months, even several years, mismatched sheets, sometimes pilled, that you do not even put on your bed and souvenirs or trinkets that you don't know what to do with but don't dare throw in the trash.
Scientific studies show that we don't use more than 20% of what we have. With such an observation, it is obvious that one can quickly feel overwhelmed by the accumulation.
A different consumption
At Most, we deeply believe that it is better to buy more and less. When you buy a quality product designed to last, with a timeless style, you will find that you do not need to change it and accumulate.
Thus, we believe that the ideal number of bedding sets for a bed is three.
One set is placed on your bed, the other clean in your closet and the last is waiting to go through the washing machine in your laundry basket. If you are very orderly and do machines very regularly, you can be satisfied with two bedding sets.
Depending on your personal routine, you can also change the pillowcases more than the sheets .

Our bedding sets are carefully delivered in a fabric bag that allows you to store them when not in use and keep them neatly organized in your wardrobe.
The three bed sets we recommend are particularly useful in the event of the unexpected, if a friend or a member of the family has to stay at home, in which case you can make their bed quickly with quality bed linen .
Buy less, but better allows you to invest in products you really love.